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Maria Prosvetova Maria Prosvetova

The Chelyabinsk Meteor

In Chelyabinsk, Russia, a meteor fell from the sky. A bright object that appeared out of nowhere. Which will result in one of the most famous airbursts to occur.

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Saad Akbar Saad Akbar

A bulb lighting up since 1901, How?

We live in a world where few organisations control what we buy leading to making us their loyalists. We literally become angry to protect the respect of our respected organisations. But, are these organisations loyal or even truthful to us?

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Saad Akbar Saad Akbar

The Halloween Origins

Many people around the world think that Halloween is a Christian holiday but is there any mention about Halloween in the Bible? the answer is no. The custom of Halloween celebration started centuries after the Bible was written.

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Saad Akbar Saad Akbar

Old school teaching methods are barbaric!

October 11, 2022 a male teacher in Egypt hit a 9-year-old girl with a stick so hard on her head that she died from brain haemorrhage. So far, the authorities have only suspended him for 3 months from teaching!

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Saad Akbar Saad Akbar

Is Fast Food as Addictive as Drugs?

New research findings show that fast food can be highly addictive. So, people who find it difficult to say no to fast food, or if they crave it daily are actually not at fault.

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Saad Akbar Saad Akbar

Top 10 Dying Professions

Historically, a child’s career choices have often been determined and driven by their parents. The child lives through childhood with the pressure of becoming something his parents want him or her to be. The childhood which they should have been enjoying becomes the darkest period of life and they just want to escape it and turn into an adult overnight.

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Saad Akbar Saad Akbar

Top 10 Professions of the Future

Our world is moving towards automation. The Matrix is slowly becoming reality and we are facing severe threats from robots by the day. Many basic jobs which could’ve been easily done in the past will no longer be available and it will be survival of the smartest.

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Saad Akbar Saad Akbar

The Definitive Guide to Choosing The Right Career

Many students and adults mindlessly choose careers that do not relate to them in any way, manner, shape, or form. They do it for the wrong motives like money or trends. As a career counsellor, I always advise people to rather look for the happiness and emotional attachment. Choosing a career is an important decision with real consequences, yet, people spend fewer hours researching their top career choice than they spend searching for a movie to watch!

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Robert D. Schuckert Jr. Robert D. Schuckert Jr.

Bahrain’s 10 Best Locations to Visit in 2020

With over 4 million tourists a year, Bahrain has become a must see country for most people around the world. Featuring elegant hotels, resorts, parks, and shopping malls, many rush to see Bahrain from all around the globe to see all of what Bahrain has to offer.

So let’s see what is interesting in 2020

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